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Precious Minds Board of Directors

The Precious Minds volunteer Board of Directors is entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that Precious Minds stays true to its purpose, vision and values with integrity, creativity and long-term sustainability. Involved in on-going evaluation and adjustment to keep the organization healthy, functional and impacting. 


Tegan Buckingham, Chair


Dave Barton, Director

Dave Barton was elected Mayor of the Township of Uxbridge in 2018. He was a Ward Councillor for the previous term of Council. Dave is a lifelong resident of Uxbridge having been born at the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. Dave plays an active role on Regional Transit and Public Works Committee. He is also an avid outdoors  enthusiast, trail user and sits on the boards of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. In his spare time Dave volunteers with the Bonner Boys and is an active member of the Durham Mountain Bike Association.


Kelly Cotton, Director

Kelly joined the Precious Mind Board in 2017. Kelly brings a wealth of experience from the business sector, specifically in the area of Human Resources best practice. She is currently employed full time with The Miller Group as the Vice President of Human Resources. Prior to Miller, Kelly worked for the past 13 years in senior human resource positions with both Armtec Infrastructure Inc., and Lafarge Canada. Kelly is passionate about fair and equitable people practices and is inspired by watching people develop to their full potential. Kelly has lived in Uxbridge for the last 11 years with her two children and husband Donnie.  


Colleen Allison, Director

Colleen joined the Precious Minds Board in 2017. She is a teacher of Special Education at Uxbridge Secondary School and has been a lifelong supporter of individuals and families with exceptionalities not only through work, but primarily through personal relationships. Colleen and her husband Andrew have lived in Leaskdale for 26 years and her involvement in the community has often revolved around the extracurricular activities of her four boys who are now all in post-secondary or working in a full time capacity. Her formal education includes a BSc. and BEd. with a specialist in Special Education.


Patti Moloney, Director

Patti Moloney has been a Precious Minds Board member since 2017. Patti brings to this role her background as an elementary special education teacher, a master’s degree in counselling psychology, and her marketing expertise as entrepreneur and co-founder of Dimples Charms. She is an active volunteer and supporter of local community organizations and former Chair of the Uxbridge Loaves & Fishes Food Bank.



Precious Minds Staff Team

Our most valuable resources are our human resources! There would be no Precious Minds without the dedication of our incredible staff team that work together to fulfill our mission and bring CARE, SUPPORT & HOPE to our Precious Minds families.


Chas Harding,  Executive Director

Chas joined the board in 2012 with a passion to spread the word about Precious Minds in our community and help raise funds towards the programs and support services we offer. In January 2019, Chas joined the staff team as our Executive Director. Her background working with children and adults with Acquired Brain Injury brings practical experience as we develop programs and with strategic goal setting. Chas and her husband Matt have lived in Uxbridge area for the past 18 years with their three children.


Elizabeth Runnalls, Program Coordinator 

Elizabeth began with Precious Minds as a student volunteer. This opportunity grew her interest to be a part of our summer camp staff these past three years. Currently, Elizabeth leads the weekly Super Strikers Bowling program. She has completed the Developmental Services Worker program at Durham College and is now employed with the DDSB. We are thankful for Elizabeth’s passion, skills and energy on our team – and our clients would vouch for her leadership (and home-made baking) any day of the week!




2 Campbell Drive, Suite 719

Uxbridge ON L9P 0A3

Please note this is an UPS Mail Box and not an actual office space.


CHARITABLE # 86747 6319 RR0001



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